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Home » Impact of Psilocybin Mushrooms on Daily Life: How Long Until You’re Back to Normal?

Impact of Psilocybin Mushrooms on Daily Life: How Long Until You’re Back to Normal?


Taking magic mushrooms can cause a sudden experience of euphoria. People take them to relax, treat depression, and take their minds away from stressful things. However, before consuming shrooms, you may need to seek more information about how they work. Find out how long magic mushrooms stay in your system. Seek information on the potential dangers and how to minimize them. Keep reading as this blog explores the impact of psilocybin mushrooms on daily life. 

What Happens After Consuming Psilocybin Mushrooms

When you consume shrooms, they induce different effects on your mind and body. They might alter your perception of reality. You might see visual distortions or patterns. Colors and sound might become more vivid. 

The shrooms can lead to emotional fluctuations, which can be good or terrible. If you overdose on the magic mushroom, you might experience “a bad trip.” If this happens, you might struggle with frightening hallucinations. Your worst nightmare might start haunting you, and you might experience overwhelming anxiety. 

So, before you experiment with shrooms, be wary of bad trips, find out what causes them, and how to avoid them. 

How Long Do Magic Mushrooms Stay in Your System?

The body usually absorbs psilocybin from shrooms fast, and you’ll feel the effects within 20 to 60 minutes of consumption. However, this duration can vary from person to person due to fasters, such as metabolism and dosage. Once the effects kick in, you’ll experience them for several hours, usually 4 to 6 hours. 

During this period, it’s advisable to be in a safe place and, if possible, have someone observe you. The goal is to get immediate help in case you experience a bad trip. Besides, if you suspect you’re developing a dependency on the shrooms, it’s wise to seek drug abuse and addiction help.

Returning to Daily Life

Most people usually take shrooms during weekends or when they are off work. If you’re one of these people, it can help to know how long do magic mushrooms stay in your system. The goal is to plan for downtime when you’re experiencing the effects of the shrooms.

During this period, it can be challenging for you to partake in daily activities such as house chores. Besides, it can even be dangerous to drive or move around after taking the magic mushrooms. 

So, after taking shrooms, take some time off for the effects to fade off. You might experience slight disorientation the following day. You may also have residual thoughts or emotional shifts for several days. 


While knowing how long magic mushrooms stay in your system can help you use them safely, there are other potential dangers. You might overdose, leading to a bad trip, or get addicted. If you or someone close to you is currently experiencing any mental issues due to using magic mushrooms, consider seeking professional help. Find a reliable center that offers drug abuse and addiction treatment. The idea is to get medical guidance on the effects of using shrooms for a long period.